
I can easily navigate the second link but when I try to navigate first link, I'm directed to the wrong url. Here is the code:

StringBuilder footerBuffer = new StringBuilder();
footerBuffer.append("<b>Init:</b> <br/>");
footerBuffer.append("<b>Home:</b> <br/>");

The url that I'm directed for the first url is:

I see %CE%B4 in spite of &delta. What could be the problem?

Was dit nuttig?


Because &delta; is character reference name for δ, see http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/named-character-references.html#entity-delta.

You should escape characters with Html.escapeHtml() or whatever. Html.escapeHtml() requires API level 16 or above. If you want to work on lower API level, see Apache Commons Lang.


Ander wenke

&delta; is a HTML special character (like &amp; and so on) - I believe that &delta is converted to the url encoding of the delta character. You could try using %26 (which is the url-encoded value of &) instead of the ampersand for the delta parameter.

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