
In C# is

x = y ?? null;

always equivalent to

x = y;

if both x and y are nullable types?

I can't think of a reason why the first line of code would ever be needed over the second.

Was dit nuttig?


Yes, writing the line

x = y ?? null;

Seems silly, since the expression will return null if y is null (so basically returning y) and y otherwise.

Remember that the null-coalescing operator is functionally the same as writing:

x = y != null ? y : <whatever operand>

Or, of course (for those not familiar with the ternary operator):

if (y != null)
   x = y;
   x = <whatever operand>;

In either case, using the null as the second argument has no utility whatsoever. You might as well just assign the variable, as noted in your post.

Ander wenke

Yes, they are functionally the same. It doesn't make sense to write

x = y ?? null over x = y

If you're curious, the IL code generated by x = y ?? null is more complex than the IL code generated from x = y.

x = y ?? null

IL_0014:  ldloc.0     // y
IL_0015:  stloc.2     // CS$0$0000
IL_0016:  ldloca.s    02 // CS$0$0000
IL_0018:  call        System.Nullable<System.Int32>.get_HasValue
IL_001D:  brtrue.s    IL_002A
IL_001F:  ldloca.s    03 // CS$0$0001
IL_0021:  initobj     System.Nullable<System.Int32>
IL_0027:  ldloc.3     // CS$0$0001
IL_0028:  br.s        IL_0036
IL_002A:  ldloca.s    02 // CS$0$0000
IL_002C:  call        System.Nullable<System.Int32>.GetValueOrDefault
IL_0031:  newobj      System.Nullable<System.Int32>..ctor
IL_0036:  nop         
IL_0037:  stloc.1     // x

x = y

IL_0009:  ldloc.0     // y
IL_000A:  stloc.1     // x

Yes, it is equivalent. Even if you have a DynamicObject that's trying to provide specific behavior for a Coalesce operation, TryBinaryOperation is never entered. The following code does not print anything.

void Main()
    dynamic y = new MyDyn(); // or with this null
    dynamic z = new MyDyn();
    object x = y ?? z;
public class MyDyn : DynamicObject
    public override bool TryBinaryOperation(
        BinaryOperationBinder binder,
        Object arg,
        out Object result
        Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");
        if (binder.Operation == ExpressionType.Coalesce)
            result = 3;
            return true;
        result = null;
        return true;
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