
Can I use Visual Studio 2011 running on the Windows 8 Developer Preview to publish programs that will not only run on Windows 8, but that will run on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8? I know that using Visual Studio 2010 while Running XP can produce applications that will run on XP and up, but can it work the other way?

UPDATE: By Publish I mean that I want to package my application into an installer and distribute it. I am Using Visual Basic .NET as the programing language within Visual Studio 2011

UPDATE 2: Also, If I can't make my app available on XP through 8, then can I use Visual Studio 2010 to do this or is it a matter of Operating Systems?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


The version of VS11 that comes in the Win8 DP will only let you build Win8 apps. You can install VS2010 side by side with it though to do other types of development.

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