


class Testrundetail extends Eloquent {

    protected $table = 'testrundetail';

    public static function getAll ()
        $getAll = DB::table('testrundetail')
            ->orderBy('platform', 'asc')

            return $getAll;    


class PageController extends BaseController {

        public function home ()
            $var = Testrundetail::getAll();

        return View::make('hello')->with('var', '$var');


        public function about ()

        return View::make('about');



<!doctype html>


        <meta charset="utf-8">


    <h1> Hello, {{$var}} </h1>



The output of the getAll() is: ['2520','stack-Ar','2530','2530ya'] But in output I get 'Hello $var'

What am I doing wrong? Though, if I do hello{{$var[0]}}, I get the output 'Hello 2'

هل كانت مفيدة؟


first of all

return View::make('hello')->with('var', '$var');

should become

return View::make('hello')->with('var', $var);

otherwise you will print '$var',

second you will pass an array of objects to the view, so in the view type something like:

@foreach($var as $item)

نصائح أخرى

you are using {{$var}}. {{ }} braces are used to echo php variable when we use blade templating. and if you are not using blade templating, then simply go with core php concept.

simply use

 or print_r($var);

click here to know about blade templating.

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