
I can calculate future pay dates with the following, knowing that 1/3/2013 was a pay day, and that we are paid every two weeks. This code tells me that 12/20/2013 was a payday. That's accurate.

declare @StartDate datetime = '1/4/13'
declare @FromDate datetime = '12/15/' + cast(year(getdate()) - 1 as char(4))

select dateadd(day, 14*cast(datediff(day, @StartDate, @FromDate) / 14 + 1 as int), @StartDate)

What I need to do, is calculate the last payday of the year. If I set @FromDate to 12/15/2013, this works, but I don't believe I can rely on that in cases where December is a three check month. My preference is to set the FromDate to 12/01/YYYY and get the last payday of that year, but I cannot seem to wrap my mind around how to pull that off.

How do I need to alter this to get the last Payday (always a Friday) of the year?

Thanks in advance for the forthcoming suggestions.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


considering that it will always be either the last friday or the penultimate friday of the year, this should work:

declare @startdate datetime='20140110'
declare @lastdayofyear datetime='20141231'
case datediff(WEEK,@startdate,dateadd(day,6-datepart(w,@lastdayofyear)-7,@lastdayofyear)) % 2
when 0 then

نصائح أخرى

This could be done fairly easily with a date dimension table. Using the example in the link, a query would look like this:

SELECT TOP 1 [Date] FROM DimDate 
WHERE DATEPART(dw, [Date]) = 6 --is Friday
    AND DATEPART(wk, [Date]) % 2 = 0--Is an even week
    AND YEAR([Date]) = YEAR(getdate())--Current year

There are 52 weeks in a year. Assuming one is paid bi-weekly as seems to be the case here, you can add 50 weeks to the start date to get the last date in the year.

declare @StartDate datetime = '1/4/13'
declare @FromDate datetime = '12/15/' + cast(year(getdate()) - 1 as char(4))

select dateadd(week, 50, @StartDate)

set @StartDate = '1/3/14'

select dateadd(week, 50, @StartDate)

First result is 12/20/2013. Second result is 12/19/2014.

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