The golden rule of using NSNotification seems to be

"call removeObserver before the observer (or the object) is deallocated".

I'm dealing with a codebase where this rule hasn't been followed, but I can't locate the transgression. I've searched through the code and ensured that every addObserver has a matching removeObserver but I'm still seeing crash reports of the following variety:

OS Version:      iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405)
Report Version:  104

Exception Type:  SIGSEGV
Exception Codes: SEGV_ACCERR at 0x8
Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x31516fbc objc_msgSend + 16
1   Foundation                          0x3195b50f __57-[NSNotificationCenter addObserver:selector:name:object:]_block_invoke_0 + 19
2   CoreFoundation                      0x37a02577 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke_0 + 71
3   CoreFoundation                      0x3798e0cf _CFXNotificationPost + 1407
4   Foundation                          0x318cf3fb -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 67
5   UIKit                               0x34e5ee25 -[UIApplication _handleApplicationSuspend:eventInfo:] + 697
6   UIKit                               0x34deed17 -[UIApplication handleEvent:withNewEvent:] + 2031
7   UIKit                               0x34dee3bf -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 55
8   UIKit                               0x34dedd2d _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 5809
9   GraphicsServices                    0x3750bdf3 PurpleEventCallback + 883
10  CoreFoundation                      0x37a0a553 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 39
11  CoreFoundation                      0x37a0a4f5 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 141
12  CoreFoundation                      0x37a09343 __CFRunLoopRun + 1371
13  CoreFoundation                      0x3798c4dd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 301
14  CoreFoundation                      0x3798c3a5 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 105
15  GraphicsServices                    0x3750afcd GSEventRunModal + 157
16  UIKit                               0x34e1c743 UIApplicationMain + 1091
17  App                                 0x00002d2f main (main.m:14)

My interpretation of this crash report is that [UIApplication _handleApplicationSuspend:eventInfo:] is posting a notification for which an observer has been deallocated before being removed.

Assuming this interpretations is correct, how would I go about determining which notification is being posted? And ideally, what the deallocated object type?



You can set a symbolic breakpoint in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] and print the third argument passed to it (the first being the NSNotificationCenter, the second, _cmd) using the debugger po command.


Another way to determine this is to get the name parameter value (the string you passed for posting the notification) and verify that any object that is observing that string/name is set to remove observation sometime in the objects lifecycle or as it is deallocating.

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