我用 lucene.net 对于网站上的索引内容和文档等。索引非常简单,具有这种格式:

LuceneId - unique id for Lucene (TypeId + ItemId)
TypeId   - the type of text (eg. page content, product, public doc etc..)
ItemId   - the web page id, document id etc..
Text     - the text indexed
Title    - web page title, document name etc.. to display with the search results


  1. 为每种语言创建一个单独的索引。例如Lucene-Engb,Lucene-FRFR等。
  2. 保留一个索引,并在其上添加其他“语言”字段以过滤结果。

哪个是最好的选择 - 或其他选择?我之前没有使用过多个索引,所以我倾向于第二个索引。





You can eliminate option 1 and 2.
You can use one index and the fields that contains arabic words create two fileds for each: If you have field "Text" might contain arabic or english contents ==>

  • Create 2 fields for "Text" : 1 field, "Text", indexed/searched with your standard analyzer and another one, "Text_AR" , with the arabicAnalyzer. In order to achieve that you can use PreFieldAnalyzerWrapper
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