我需要在我用 python 构建的 MUD 中从玩家当前的房间绘制一个 2 半径的地图(或者更多,如果可能的话)。房间被设置为容器,并带有 self.exits = {'west':1, 'north':2} 其中key是值(相邻房间的UID)所在的方向。房间仅以这种方式链接。self.location 为 0 的玩家可以输入“n”,根据上述变量,他们的位置将为 2,并且该房间的内容将在其内容后附加玩家的 UID。


    [ ]
[ ]-[u]

我已经实现了 部分,因为这只是半径 1。这是我如何做到这一点的一个小片段(经过大量修改,以便在此处发布),您会明白我为什么要发布,因为它是糟糕的代码。

mloc = '[u]'
mn = '   '
mw = '   '
spn= ' '
spw= ' '
for Exit in room.exits.keys():
  if Exit == 'north':
    mn = '[ ]'
    spn = '|'
  if Exit == 'west': 
    mw = '[ ]-'
# player.hear() is our function for printing a line to the player's screen
player.hear('    '+mn)
player.hear('     '+sp)

在我的疯狂中,我成功地在所有 8 个不同方向(对角线,不包括向上或向下)上完成了这项工作。但是,我必须为循环循环循环,我只是用第一个循环解析,然后绘制这些循环,然后将其全部散布,然后考虑到(sp)Aces的重叠,例如'''或' |'如果有彼此交叉的路径。这个小任务立刻变成了噩梦,在我完成之前就已经变成了 200 行。

另一个障碍是我只能逐行打印。所以如果地图有 50 个字符高,我必须有 player.hear() 50行,我并不反对。在发布答案之前请记住这一点。


多谢你们。我希望我提供了足够的信息。如果没有,请告诉我。(这是我引用的整个(未完成且可怕的)模块的链接。 地图.py




首先,您应该围绕以下内容组织您的代码 Map 类,然后将您的房间表示为网格。您不应该考虑“房间 1”、“房间 2”等(这在地图上很难跟踪),而应该根据坐标来考虑房间。


[ ]-[u] [ ] [ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]


      0   1   2   3
   0 [ ]-[u] [ ] [ ]
   1 [ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]
   2 [ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]
   3 [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]

令 x 沿顶部,y 沿侧面。左上角是 (0, 0),即 [u] 其中是 (0, 1)。

现在,我们的系统由哪些组件组成 Map 班级?

  1. 地图高度:整数

  2. 地图宽度:整数)

  3. 玩家_x,玩家_y:玩家坐标

  4. 可能的路径:我们可以在之间移动的房间对的列表。上面的地图将表示为:

    [((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((1, 0), (1, 1)), ((1, 1), (2, 1)),
     ((1, 0), (1, 2)), ((0, 2), (1, 2)), ((1, 2), (2, 2)), ((0, 2), (0, 3)),
     ((0, 3), (1, 3)), ((1, 3), (2, 3)), ((2, 3), (3, 3))]


现在我们有了设计,让我们写一下 Map 班级!

我可以想到我们想要的四种方法: print_map, move, 和一个初始化器。初始化很简单:只需设置我们上面列出的四个属性:

class Map:
    def __init__(self, height, width, player_x, player_y, paths):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.x = player_x
        self.y = player_y
        self.paths = paths

现在, move 很简单。给定一个方向 n/e/s/w:

    def move(self, direction):
        if direction == "n":
            if ((self.x, self.y - 1), (self.x, self.y)) not in self.paths:
                print "Cannot go north"
                self.y -= 1

move “north”的函数只是检查是否有一条路径通往我们所在房间上方的房间。

现在是最有趣的部分:打印地图。您可以通过循环行(0 到 self.height)以及列(0 到 self.width). (笔记:你不能使用 print 在这种情况下,因为它会自动在字符串后面添加换行符或空格。相反,我们使用 系统标准输出写入.

def print_map(self):
    for y in range(0, self.height):
        # print the yth row of rooms
        for x in range(0, self.width):
            if self.x == x and self.y == y:
                sys.stdout.write("[u]")  # this is the player's room
                sys.stdout.write("[ ]")  # empty room
            # now see whether there's a path to the next room
            if ((x, y), (x + 1, y)) in self.paths:
                sys.stdout.write(" ")
        # now that we've written the rooms, draw paths to next row
        print  # newline
        for x in range(0, self.width):
            sys.stdout.write(" ")  # spaces for above room
            if ((x, y), (x, y + 1)) in self.paths:
                sys.stdout.write("|  ")
                sys.stdout.write("   ")


import sys

class Map:
    def __init__(self, height, width, player_x, player_y, paths):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.x = player_x
        self.y = player_y
        self.paths = paths

    def move(self, direction):
        if direction == "n":
            if ((self.x, self.y - 1), (self.x, self.y)) not in self.paths:
                print "Cannot go north"
                self.y -= 1
        if direction == "s":
            if ((self.x, self.y), (self.x, self.y + 1)) not in self.paths:
                print "Cannot go south"
                self.y += 1
        if direction == "e":
            if ((self.x, self.y), (self.x + 1, self.y)) not in self.paths:
                print "Cannot go east"
                self.x += 1
        if direction == "w":
            if ((self.x - 1, self.y), (self.x, self.y)) not in self.paths:
                print "Cannot go west"
                self.x -= 1

    def print_map(self):
        for y in range(0, self.height):
            # print the yth row of rooms
            for x in range(0, self.width):
                if self.x == x and self.y == y:
                    sys.stdout.write("[u]")  # this is the player's room
                    sys.stdout.write("[ ]")  # empty room
                # now see whether there's a path to the next room
                if ((x, y), (x + 1, y)) in self.paths:
                    sys.stdout.write(" ")
            # now that we've written the rooms, draw paths to next row
            print  # newline
            for x in range(0, self.width):
                sys.stdout.write(" ")  # spaces for above room
                if ((x, y), (x, y + 1)) in self.paths:
                    sys.stdout.write("|  ")
                    sys.stdout.write("   ")

paths = [((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((0, 0), (1, 0)), ((1, 0), (1, 1)), ((1, 1),
         (2, 1)), ((1, 1), (1, 2)), ((0, 2), (1, 2)), ((1, 2), (2, 2)),
         ((0, 2), (0, 3)), ((0, 3), (1, 3)), ((1, 3), (2, 3)), ((2, 3),
         (3, 3))]
m = Map(4, 4, 0, 0, paths)

while True:
    direction = raw_input("What direction do you want to move? [n/e/s/w] ")


Davids-MacBook-Air:test dgrtwo$ python Map.py 
[u]-[ ] [ ] [ ] 
[ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] 

What direction do you want to move? [n/e/s/w] e
[ ]-[u] [ ] [ ] 
[ ] [ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] 

What direction do you want to move? [n/e/s/w] s
[ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ] 
[ ] [u]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] 

What direction do you want to move? [n/e/s/w] w
Cannot go west
[ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ] 
[ ] [u]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] 

What direction do you want to move? [n/e/s/w] e
[ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ] 
[ ] [ ]-[u] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] 
[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ] 

可以对该代码进行许多改进(特别是 move 方法是重复的),但这是一个好的开始。尝试将地图设为 20x20,您会发现它扩展得很好。

预计到达时间:我应该注意的是 print_map 可以用更短的形式重写为:

def print_map(self):
    for y in range(0, self.height):
        print "".join(["[%s]%s" %
                    ("u" if self.x == x and self.y == y else " ",
                     "-" if ((x, y), (x + 1, y)) in self.paths else " ")
                        for x in range(0, self.width)])
        print " " + "   ".join(["|" if ((x, y), (x, y + 1)) in self.paths
                              else " " for x in range(0, self.width)])





++++++   ++++++
++++++ 2 ++++++
++++++/| ++++++
+++  / | ++++++
+++ 3--1 ++++++
+++     \++++++
+++++++++\  +++
+++++++++ 4 +++
+++++++++   +++



class Room(object):
    def __init__(self, id, loc, exits):
        self.id = id # unique identifier, may be a name
        self.row = loc[0] # loc is tuple of (row, col)
        self.col = loc[1] 
        # exits is a list where 'X' means no exit and 
        # any other value is id of destination
        self.exits = exits 

    def __str__(self):
        directions = '\\|/- -/|\\'
        room = [ e if e == 'X' else ' ' for e in self.exits ]
        for idx in range(len(room)):
            if room[idx] == ' ':
                room[idx] = directions[idx]
            if room[idx] == 'X':
                room[idx] = ' '
        room[4] = self.id[0] # only print first char of id
        return ''.join(room)

class Map(object):
    def __init__(self, rows, cols, rooms):
        self.rows = rows
        self.cols = cols
        self.rooms = rooms

    def __str__(self):
        world = []
        for i in range(self.rows * 3):
            world.append( ['+++'] * self.cols )
        for room in self.rooms:
            ascii = str(room)
            x = room.col
            y = room.row
            for idx in range(0, 3):
                cell = ascii[idx*3:idx*3+3]
                world[y*3+idx][x] = cell
        return '\n'.join( [ ''.join(row) for row in world ] )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # set up four rooms
    # each room has unique id (string of any length) and coordinates
    # it also has a set of 8 possible exits, represented as a list where
    # 'X' means exit is blocked and valid exits contain the id of the target room
    r1 = Room(id='1', loc=(2,2), exits=['X','2','X',
                                        '3',' ','X',
    r2 = Room(id='2', loc=(1,2), exits=['X','X','X',
                                        'X',' ','X',
    r3 = Room(id='3', loc=(2,1), exits=['X','X','2',
                                        'X',' ','1',
    r4 = Room(id='4', loc=(3,3), exits=['1','X','X',
                                        'X',' ','X',
    # initialize Map with a list of these four rooms
    map = Map(rows = 5, cols=5, rooms=[r1, r2, r3, r4])
    print map



  • 易于添加房间并删除它们
  • 房间的定义是人类可读
  • 输出函数过载生物阳码码代码,因此房间和网格“打印本身”,这可能有助于未来调试或适应未来格式。作为HTML表中的细胞。


但是,您仍然可以通过@ David-Robinson使用答案。您想要做的是保持最小的焦点,并使用退出数据动态更新它。不要试图保留存储的整个区域的地图;通过动态更新,您将避免一些地理冲突。


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