在播放文档中我找到了链接(http://www.playframework.com/documentation/1.2.4/ide)描述如何将 Play 项目转换为 Eclipse 项目。

我按照以下步骤操作,但 Play 不接受新创建的应用程序。

  • 为什么 Play 不接受我的申请?


  • 斯卡拉:Scala 代码运行器版本 2.9.2 -- 版权所有 2002-2011,LAMP/EPFL
  • 播放2.2.1


/play-2.2.1$ ./play new hello
 _ __ | | __ _ _  _
| '_ \| |/ _' | || |
|  __/|_|\____|\__ /
|_|            |__/

play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_40), http://www.playframework.com

The new application will be created in /home/<user>/programming/play-2.2.1/hello
What is the application name? [hello]

Which template do you want to use for this new application? 

  1             - Create a simple Scala application
  2             - Create a simple Java application

> 1
OK, application hello is created.

Have fun!

但是,play 不接受 hello 作为应用程序

~/programming/play-2.2.1$ ./play eclipsify hello
 _ __ | | __ _ _  _
| '_ \| |/ _' | || |
|  __/|_|\____|\__ /
|_|            |__/

play 2.2.1 built with Scala 2.10.2 (running Java 1.7.0_40), http://www.playframework.com

This is not a play application!

Use `play new` to create a new Play application in the current directory,
or go to an existing application and launch the development console using `play`.

You can also browse the complete documentation at http://www.playframework.com.


您正在查看 Play 早期版本的文档。您的版本的文档是 http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.1/IDE.

您需要使用的命令是 eclipse. 。它在 2.0 和 2.1 之间有时发生过变化。

还有一个关于 Scala IDE 网站


我意识到您需要使用文档中提供的其他命令 - 我使用了该命令 eclipse不是 eclipsify.

>>> cd <my_application>
>>> ../play eclipse <my_application>


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