我知道这个问题有点不稳定,也许有误导性,但我有一个网格视图,行上有下拉列表。我为 SelectedIndexChanged 创建了一个 AddHandler 和一个委托,它到达了子目录。这是代码:

AddHandler ddlmgr.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf ddlmgr_SelectedIndexChanged
Public Delegate Sub DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged)

Protected Sub ddlmgr_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

End Sub

如果未调用 GridView_RowCommand,如何获取行的 Id?



大工作 工作绝对没问题,我

DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender;
Control p = ddl.Parent;
//you are going to loop because the immediate
//parent may not be the repeater item but instead a 
//container control of some kind (say a template)
while (p.GetType() != typeof(RepeaterItem))
  p = p.Parent;     
  if (p == null) 
      return; //we have reached the top of the control tree
RepeaterItem ri = (RepeaterItem)p;
int index = ri.ItemIndexreturn index;


您将需要做一些跑腿工作,因为如果不写出代码并在此处自行测试,我无法提供 100% 的细节,目前我无法做到这一点,但代码应该遵循这些思路。

在 ddlmgr_SelectedIndexChaged 内,

  1. 将您的发件人投射到 DropDownList
  2. 访问下拉列表的部分属性。
  3. 检查它是一个 GridItem (或 Repeateritem 或任何一个,你明白的)
  4. 如果是,则获取项目 itemindex。如果不访问其父属性。
  5. 继续,直到找到 Row 对象。


DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)sender;
Control p = ddl.Parent;

//you are going to loop because the immediate 
//parent may not be the repeater item but instead a 
//container control of some kind (say a template)
while (p.GetType() != typeof(RepeaterItem))
     p = p.Parent;
     if (p == null) return; //we have reached the top of the control tree
RepeaterItem ri = (RepeaterItem)p;
int index = ri.ItemIndex
return index;

的DropDownList ddltxt =(DropDownList的)发送者;         串TEMP2 = ddltxt.SelectedItem.Text;         串TEMP3 = ddltxt.SelectedItem.Value;         串温度= ddltxt.ID.ToString();         INT strlength = temp.Length;         串strLastchar = temp.Substring(strlength - 1,1);         INT intlastchar = int.Parse(strLastchar.ToString());         串commonpart = temp.Substring(0,strlength - 1);

    if (intlastchar == 1)
        string targetdropdownid = commonpart + "2";
        DropDownList targetlist = (DropDownList)TableRow11.FindControl(targetdropdownid);
        using (conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
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