有没有一种方法可以将流或数组上收集的数据映射到数据结构,反之亦然?在C ++中,这仅仅是将指针施放到流作为我想使用的数据类型(或反向反词的数据类型)的问题:例如:在 C++ 中

Mystruct * pMyStrct = (Mystruct*)&SomeDataStream;
pMyStrct->Item1 = 25;

int iReadData = pMyStrct->Item2;

显然,C++ 方式非常不安全,除非您在读取传入数据时确定流数据的质量,但对于传出数据来说却非常快速且简单。




但是,如果您想要最快(不安全)的方式 - 为什么不:


YourStruct o = new YourStruct();
byte[] buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(YourStruct))];
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(o, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false);


handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
o = (YourStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(YourStruct));


如果lubos hasko的答案还不够不安全,还有 真的 不安全的方式,使用C#中的指针。以下是我遇到的一些提示和陷阱:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;

// Use LayoutKind.Sequential to prevent the CLR from reordering your fields.
unsafe struct MeshDesc
    public byte NameLen;
    // Here fixed means store the array by value, like in C,
    // though C# exposes access to Name as a char*.
    // fixed also requires 'unsafe' on the struct definition.
    public fixed char Name[16];
    // You can include other structs like in C as well.
    public Matrix Transform;
    public uint VertexCount;
    // But not both, you can't store an array of structs.
    //public fixed Vector Vertices[512];

unsafe struct Matrix
    public fixed float M[16];

// This is how you do unions
unsafe struct Vector
    public fixed float Items[16];
    public float X;
    public float Y;
    public float Z;

class Program
    unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
        var mesh = new MeshDesc();
        var buffer = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(mesh)];

        // Set where NameLen will be read from.
        buffer[0] = 12;
        // Use Buffer.BlockCopy to raw copy data across arrays of primitives.
        // Note we copy to offset 2 here: char's have alignment of 2, so there is
        // a padding byte after NameLen: just like in C.
        Buffer.BlockCopy("Hello!".ToCharArray(), 0, buffer, 2, 12);

        // Copy data to struct
        Read(buffer, out mesh);

        // Print the Name we wrote above:
        var name = new char[mesh.NameLen];
        // Use Marsal.Copy to copy between arrays and pointers to arrays.
        unsafe { Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)mesh.Name, name, 0, mesh.NameLen); }
        // Note you can also use the String.String(char*) overloads
        Console.WriteLine("Name: " + new string(name));

        // If Erik Myers likes it...
        mesh.VertexCount = 4711;

        // Copy data from struct:
        // MeshDesc is a struct, and is on the stack, so it's
        // memory is effectively pinned by the stack pointer.
        // This means '&' is sufficient to get a pointer.
        Write(&mesh, buffer);

        // Watch for alignment again, and note you have endianess to worry about...
        int vc = buffer[100] | (buffer[101] << 8) | (buffer[102] << 16) | (buffer[103] << 24);
        Console.WriteLine("VertexCount = " + vc);

    unsafe static void Write(MeshDesc* pMesh, byte[] buffer)
        // But byte[] is on the heap, and therefore needs
        // to be flagged as pinned so the GC won't try to move it
        // from under you - this can be done most efficiently with
        // 'fixed', but can also be done with GCHandleType.Pinned.
        fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer)
            *(MeshDesc*)pBuffer = *pMesh;

    unsafe static void Read(byte[] buffer, out MeshDesc mesh)
        fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer)
            mesh = *(MeshDesc*)pBuffer;

如果两边都是 .net:

认为你应该使用二进制序列化并发送 byte[] 结果。


您将支付一些开销(CPU 和网络),但会很安全。

如果您需要手动填充每个成员变量,您可以通过使用 FormatterServices 按顺序检索与对象关联的变量类型列表,将其概括为基本类型。我必须在一个项目中执行此操作,其中有很多不同的消息类型来自流,并且我绝对不想为每条消息编写序列化器/反序列化器。

这是我用来概括 byte[] 反序列化的代码。

public virtual bool SetMessageBytes(byte[] message)
        MemberInfo[] members = FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(this.GetType());
        object[] values = FormatterServices.GetObjectData(this, members);
        int j = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
            string[] var = members[i].ToString().Split(new char[] { ' ' });
            switch (var[0])
                case "UInt32":
                    values[i] = (UInt32)((message[j] << 24) + (message[j + 1] << 16) + (message[j + 2] << 8) + message[j + 3]);
                    j += 4;
                case "UInt16":
                    values[i] = (UInt16)((message[j] << 8) + message[j + 1]);
                    j += 2;
                case "Byte":
                    values[i] = (byte)message[j++];
                case "UInt32[]":
                    if (values[i] != null)
                        int len = ((UInt32[])values[i]).Length;
                        byte[] b = new byte[len * 4];
                        Array.Copy(message, j, b, 0, len * 4);
                        Array.Copy(Utilities.ByteArrayToUInt32Array(b), (UInt32[])values[i], len);
                        j += len * 4;
                case "Byte[]":
                    if (values[i] != null)
                        int len = ((byte[])values[i]).Length;
                        Array.Copy(message, j, (byte[])(values[i]), 0, len);
                        j += len;
                    throw new Exception("ByteExtractable::SetMessageBytes Unsupported Type: " + var[1] + " is of type " +  var[0]);
        FormatterServices.PopulateObjectMembers(this, members, values);
        return true;
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不隶属于 StackOverflow
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