

    def submit(self, func, args=(), depfuncs=(), modules=(),
        callback=None, callbackargs=(), group='default', globals=None):
    """Submits function to the execution queue

        func - function to be executed
        args - tuple with arguments of the 'func'
        depfuncs - tuple with functions which might be called from 'func'
        modules - tuple with module names to import
        callback - callback function which will be called with argument
                list equal to callbackargs+(result,)
                as soon as calculation is done
        callbackargs - additional arguments for callback function
        group - job group, is used when wait(group) is called to wait for
        jobs in a given group to finish
        globals - dictionary from which all modules, functions and classes
        will be imported, for instance: globals=globals()


job_server.submit(reify, (pop1, pop2, 1000), 
                  depfuncs = (key_seq, Chromosome, Params, Node, Tree), 
                  modules = ("math",), 
                  callback = sum.add, globals = globals())

所有在depfuncs大写名称的类的名称。我不知道放在哪里类或即使我需要包括他们,因为他们是在globals()字典。但是,当我与depfuncs()运行它空的,它会产生一个错误,如“Tree not defined”(例如)。


def key_seq():
    a = 0
    while True:
        yield a
        a = a + 1
ks = key_seq()

ksglobals()定义。当我不包括任何其他地方,我得到了一个错误说“ks is not defined”。 当我包括ks depfuncs,这是错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python26\Code\gppp.py", line 459, in <module>
    job_server.submit(reify, (pop1, pop2, 1000), depfuncs = (key_seq, ks, Chromosome, Params, Node, Tree), modules = ("math",), callback = sum.add, globals = globals())
  File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pp.py", line 449, in submit
    sfunc = self.__dumpsfunc((func, ) + depfuncs, modules)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pp.py", line 634, in __dumpsfunc
    sources = [self.__get_source(func) for func in funcs]
  File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\pp.py", line 713, in __get_source
    sourcelines = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]
  File "C:\Python26\lib\inspect.py", line 678, in getsourcelines
    lines, lnum = findsource(object)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\inspect.py", line 519, in findsource
    file = getsourcefile(object) or getfile(object)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\inspect.py", line 441, in getsourcefile
    filename = getfile(object)
  File "C:\Python26\lib\inspect.py", line 418, in getfile
    raise TypeError('arg is not a module, class, method, '
TypeError: arg is not a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object

我敢肯定arg指的是ks。所以,在这里我告诉.submit() ks?我不明白什么是应该去的地方。感谢。



有趣的 - 你在干什么遗传学模拟?我问,因为我在那里看到“染色体”,我曾经使用并行蟒开发了群体遗传学仿真。


job = jobServer.submit( doRun, (param,))


import os, pp

def doRun(param):
    print "your name is %s!" % os.getlogin()

jobServer = pp.Server()
jobServer.submit( doRun, (param,))

这个代码将失败。这是因为操作系统模块不存在doRun - doRun不在同一上下文中运行提交。当然,你可以在osmodule参数传递submit,但不是很容易,只为了呼唤import os在doRun?


但不是依靠submit的黑客,只是接受你的功能将需要做设置它的运行范围内的一切工作的现实。你真的有两个main功能 - 一个建立呼叫到submit,以及一个,你通过submit,这实际上设置你需要做的工作调用。


我的代码不再被维护,但如果你很好奇看看这里: HTTP://pps-spud.uchicago。 EDU / viewvc / FPS /中继/蟒/ fps.py?视图=标记



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