
我正在尝试使用 UIScreen 来驱动 iPad 上带有 VGA 适配器的单独屏幕。

这是我在根视图控制器的 viewDidLoad 中得到的内容:

//Code to detect if an external display is connected to the iPad.
 NSLog(@"Number of screens: %d", [[UIScreen screens]count]);

 //Now, if there's an external screen, we need to find its modes, itereate through them and find the highest one. Once we have that mode, break out, and set the UIWindow.

 if([[UIScreen screens]count] > 1) //if there are more than 1 screens connected to the device
  CGSize max;
  UIScreenMode *maxScreenMode;
  for(int i = 0; i < [[[[UIScreen screens] objectAtIndex:1] availableModes]count]; i++)
   UIScreenMode *current = [[[[UIScreen screens]objectAtIndex:1]availableModes]objectAtIndex:i];
   if(current.size.width > max.width);
    max = current.size;
    maxScreenMode = current;
  //Now we have the highest mode. Turn the external display to use that mode.
  UIScreen *external = [[UIScreen screens] objectAtIndex:1];
  external.currentMode = maxScreenMode;
  //Boom! Now the external display is set to the proper mode. We need to now set the screen of a new UIWindow to the external screen
  external_disp = [externalDisplay alloc];
  external_disp.drawImage = drawViewController.drawImage;
  UIWindow *newwindow = [UIWindow alloc];
  [newwindow addSubview:external_disp.view];
  newwindow.screen = external;



 UIWindow *newwindow = [[UIWindow alloc] init];


[newwindow makeKeyAndVisible];?

我觉得你的问题是externalDisplay。创建你的代码外的视图控制器(也许做一个简单的添加新的文件视图控制器,并把东西在的.xib),并尝试一下,以确保视图 - 控制工作你怎么称呼它到外部显示器前。这里是你的代码我建议的更改 - [mainViewController视图]是您创建外视图 - 控制

//Code to detect if an external display is connected to the iPad.
NSLog(@"Number of screens: %d", [[UIScreen screens]count]);

//Now, if there's an external screen, we need to find its modes, iterate
//through them and find the highest one. Once we have that mode, break out,
//and set the UIWindow.

if([[UIScreen screens]count] > 1) //if there are more than 1 screens connected
                                  //to the device
 CGSize max;
 UIScreenMode *maxScreenMode;
 for(int i = 0; i < [[[[UIScreen screens] objectAtIndex:1] availableModes]count]; i++)
  UIScreenMode *current = [[[[UIScreen screens]objectAtIndex:1]availableModes]objectAtIndex:i];
  if(current.size.width > max.width);
   max = current.size;
   maxScreenMode = current;
 //Now we have the highest mode. Turn the external display to use that mode.
 UIScreen *external = [[UIScreen screens] objectAtIndex:1];
 external.currentMode = maxScreenMode;
 //Boom! Now the external display is set to the proper mode. We need to now
 //set the screen of a new UIWindow to the external screen

 UIWindow *newwindow = [UIWindow alloc];

 [newwindow addSubview:[mainViewController view]];
 newwindow.screen = external;

 [newwindow makeKeyAndVisible];
 [newwindow setHidden:NO];





非常感谢。 :)


需要指出的是,本页和 igaiga 的 github 链接上提供的代码仅仅是为了“移动”(而不是克隆)通常位于 iPad(或其他设备)上的视图。

如果您需要克隆(又名镜像)视图并刷新其内容,此链接更合适: http://www.touchcentric.com/blog/archives/123


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