
定义 ResidueClassRing 但是,没有错误接受,Scala不允许我实例化,以进行参数 two 我收到错误消息

type mismatch;
found   : dependenttypetest.DependentTypeTest.two.type 
(with underlying type dependenttypetest.Integers.Integer)  
required: dependenttypetest.EuclideanRing#E

难道我做错了什么?这可能是Scala类型检查器中的错误吗?有更好的定义方法 ResidueClassRing?

这是用于Helios的Eclipse IDE中的Scala 2.8.0。问题已经发生在2.7.x。这是代码的简化版本:

package dependenttypetest

class EuclideanRing
  thisRing =>

  type E <: EuclideanRingElement;

  def one: E;

  trait EuclideanRingElement 
    def ring = thisRing;

    def +(b: E): E;
    def %(b: E): E;

object Integers extends EuclideanRing
  type E = Integer;

  val one: Integer = new Integer(1);

  class Integer(n: Int) extends EuclideanRingElement
    val intValue: Int = n;
    def +(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue + b.intValue);
    def %(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue % b.intValue);

class ResidueClassRing (val baseRing : EuclideanRing, m : EuclideanRing#E) 
  val modulus: baseRing.E = 
    m match {
    case e: baseRing.E if m.ring == baseRing => e;
    case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("modulus not from base ring");

  type E = ResidueClassRingElement;

  def one: E = new ResidueClassRingElement(baseRing.one);

  class ResidueClassRingElement (e : baseRing.E)
    def representative: baseRing.E = e % modulus;

    def +(b: E) = new ResidueClassRingElement(
      this.representative + b.representative); 

object DependentTypeTest extends Application
  val two = new Integers.Integer(2);
  val mod2ring = new ResidueClassRing(Integers, two);

  println(mod2ring.one + mod2ring.one);



package dependenttypetest

abstract class EuclideanRing{
  thisRing =>
  type E <: EuclideanRingElement;
  def one: E;
  trait EuclideanRingElement
    def ring = thisRing;

    def +(b: E): E;
    def %(b: E): E;

class Integers extends EuclideanRing {
  type E = Integer;
  val one: Integer = new Integer(1);
  class Integer(n: Int) extends EuclideanRingElement
    val intValue: Int = n;
    def +(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue + b.intValue);
    def %(b: Integer): Integer = new Integer(intValue % b.intValue);
    override def toString = "Int" + intValue

object Integers extends Integers 

class ResidueClassRing[ER <: EuclideanRing] (modulus : ER#E) {
  val baseRing = modulus.ring
  type E = ResidueClassRingElement;
  def one: E = new ResidueClassRingElement(baseRing.one);

  class ResidueClassRingElement (e : baseRing.E)
    def representative = e % modulus.asInstanceOf[baseRing.E];
    def +(b: E) = new ResidueClassRingElement(
      this.representative + b.representative);
    override def toString = "RC(" + representative + ")"

object DependentTypeTest extends Application {
  val two =  new Integers.Integer(2);
  val mod2ring = new ResidueClassRing[Integers](two)

  println(mod2ring.one + mod2ring.one)



更新: 添加 IntRing 澄清更改 trait Ring


您可以做的就是拉动类型在外部范围中取决于的实例(这是在 Rings 班级),并在实例化时迫使编译器选择最特定的类型 Rings 班级:

trait Ring {

  type Element <: EuclideanRingElement

  def one: Element

  // for convenience could be defined anywhere of course
  lazy val rings: Rings[this.type] = new Rings[this.type](this)

  trait EuclideanRingElement {
    def +(e: Element): Element
    def %(e: Element): Element

class Rings[R <: Ring](val base: R) {

  class ResidueClassRing(m: base.Element) {

    def one = new Element(base.one)

    class Element(e: base.Element) {
      def repr = e % m
      def +(that: Element) = new Element(this.repr + that.repr)

object IntRing extends Ring {

val one = new Element(1)

  class Element(val n: Int) extends EuclideanRingElement {
    def +(that: Element) = new Element(this.n + that.n)
    def %(that: Element) = new Element(this.n % that.n)
    override def toString = n formatted "Int(%d)"


scala> import IntRing._
import IntRing._

scala> val two = new Element(2)
two: IntRing.Element = Int(2)

scala> val r2 = new rings.ResidueClassRing(two)
r2: IntRing.rings.ResidueClassRing = Rings$ResidueClassRing@4b5075f9
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