
I have a some sets of binary files (some are potentially large (100MB)) that contain 4 byte integers.

Can anyone supply a code snippet to show how to extract each 4 byte integer until the end of the file is reached? Using Python 2.7.


War es hilfreich?


You could use struct.unpack():

with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
    for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
        integer_value = struct.unpack('<I', chunk)[0]

This uses <I to interpret the bytes as little-endian unsigned integers. Adjust the format as needed; > for big-endian, i for signed integers.

If you need to read a lot of integer values in one go and know how many you need to read, take a look at the array module as well:

from array import array

arr = array('L')
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
    arr.fromfile(fileobj, number_of_integers_to_read)

where you'd need to use array.byteswap() if the endianess of the file and your system didn't match:

if sys.byteorder != 'little':

Andere Tipps

Check out the NumPy fromfile function. You provide a simple type annotation about the data to be read, and the function efficiently reads it into a NumPy ndarray object.

import numpy as np
np.fromfile(file_name, dtype='<i4')

You can change dtype to reflect size and byte order as well. See here for some examples.

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