
Ich versuchen Boost zu verwenden :: Dateisystem Dateien und Ordner zu kopieren (wie bei einer Standard-Kopie eines Ordner und fügen Sie ihn in Windows Explorer).

Obwohl ich bereits in der steigern: : Dateisystem-Dokumentation , ich wirklich noch nicht wissen, wie über das tun dies zu gehen.

Haben Sie rekursiv obwohl jedes Verzeichnis zu gehen (Erstellen it) und jede Datei, um sie zu kopieren finden?

Zusätzlich Wie kopiere die Datei in C ++ / Auftrieb?

P. S. Ich bin mit Boost-1.40.0

Aktualisieren Ich glaube, ich mag auf diese eine Antwort am Ende zu schaffen, nur Sorge ist, dass ich keine try-catch-Fehler tun für gesperrte Dateien und Ordner zu überprüfen.

Der folgende Code erstellt eine Kopie eines Verzeichnisses in dem relativen Pfad „../example/ecomm“ und Duplikate es zu einem nicht vorhandenen Pfad „../ example / dup_ecomm“:

#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

bool copy_dir( const boost::filesystem::path & ext_dir_path,         // the existing directory
               const boost::filesystem::path & duplicate_dir_path    // the duplicate directory
  std::cout << "BEGIN: copy_dir " << endl;
  std::cout << "- ext_dir_path: " << ext_dir_path << endl;
  std::cout << "- duplicate_dir_path: " << duplicate_dir_path << endl;

  // 1. Ensure that the directory we are trying to copy exists.
  if (!boost::filesystem::exists( ext_dir_path ) ) return false;

  bool createdDir = boost::filesystem::create_directory( duplicate_dir_path );

  // cout << "createdDir: " << createdDir << endl;

  copy_dir(ext_dir_path,         // the existing directory
           duplicate_dir_path,   // the duplicate directory,
           ext_dir_path,    // the base path for the existing directory

  std::cout << "END: copy_dir " << endl;

bool copy_dir( const boost::filesystem::path & ext_dir_path,         // the existing directory
               const boost::filesystem::path & duplicate_dir_path,   // the duplicate directory,
               const boost::filesystem::path & base_ext_dir_path,    // the base path for the existing directory
               const boost::filesystem::path & base_duplicate_dir_path, // the base path for the duplicate of the exisiting directory
               bool isRootPath)
  // Debug input arguments
  std::cout << "BEGIN: copy_dir " << endl;
  std::cout << "- ext_dir_path: " << ext_dir_path << endl;
  std::cout << "- duplicate_dir_path: " << duplicate_dir_path << endl;
  std::cout << "- base_ext_dir_path: " << base_ext_dir_path << endl;
  std::cout << "- base_duplicate_dir_path: " << base_duplicate_dir_path << endl;
  std::cout << "- isRootPath: " << isRootPath << endl;

  boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end_itr; // default construction yields past-the-end

  cout << "--Beginning itr loop" << endl;
  for ( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator itr( ext_dir_path );
        itr != end_itr;
        ++itr )

    if ( boost::filesystem::is_directory(itr->status()) )
     cout << "---itr->path(): " << itr->path() << endl;

     boost::filesystem::path newExtDir(itr->path());

     string dup_path = itr->path().string();
     boost::algorithm::replace_first(dup_path, base_ext_dir_path.string(), base_duplicate_dir_path.string());
     cout << "dup_path: " << dup_path << endl;

     boost::filesystem::path new_dup_dir(dup_path);

     bool createdDir = boost::filesystem::create_directory( new_dup_dir );

     cout << "creating directory " << dup_path << " created: " << createdDir << endl;

     boost::filesystem::path newDuplicateDir(duplicate_dir_path);

     copy_dir(newExtDir,         // the existing directory
          newDuplicateDir,   // the duplicate directory,
            cout << "---isLeaf: " << itr->path() << endl;

        string dup_path = itr->path().string();

        boost::algorithm::replace_first(dup_path, base_ext_dir_path.string(), base_duplicate_dir_path.string());

        string src_path = itr->path().string();

        cout << "src_path: " << src_path << endl;
        cout << "dup_path: " << dup_path << endl;

        boost::filesystem::path s_path(src_path);
        boost::filesystem::path d_path(dup_path);

        boost::filesystem::copy_file(s_path, d_path);

  std::cout << "--Ending itr loop" << endl;

  std::cout << "END: copy_dir " << endl;

  return false;

init_unit_test_suite( int, char* [] ) {

    boost::filesystem::path ext_dir("..\\example\\ecomm");
    boost::filesystem::path dir_dup("..\\example\\dup_ecomm");

             dir_dup);   // the duplicate directory,

        // ... unit tests...etc...

Meine Frage ist jetzt, was ich bin ich zu gesperrten Dateien und Verzeichnissen in Bezug zu tun, zu vergessen?

War es hilfreich?


boost :: filesystem :: recursive_directory_iterator

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Nicht verbunden mit StackOverflow
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