
Ich habe vier UIViews auf einem UIScrollView (Bildschirm in Quartile aufgeteilt)

Auf der Quartile, ich habe ein paar Objekte (UIImageViews), auf jedem Quartil.

Wenn der Benutzer den Bildschirm tippt, mag ich das nächste Objekt zu der gegebenen CGPoint finden?

Irgendwelche Ideen?

Ich habe die CGPoint und Rahmen (CGRect) der Objekte innerhalb jedes Quartil.


(Quelle: )
Red Pins UIImageViews.
    // UIScrollView
    NSLog(@" UIScrollView: %@", self);

    // Here's the tap on the Window in UIScrollView's coordinates
    NSLog(@"TapPoint: %3.2f, %3.2f", tapLocation.x, tapLocation.y);

    // Find Distance between tap and objects
    NSArray *arrayOfCGRrectObjects = [self subviews];
    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [arrayOfCGRrectObjects objectEnumerator];

    for (UIView *tilesOnScrollView in enumerator) {

        // each tile may have 0 or more images
        for ( UIView *subview in tilesOnScrollView.subviews ) {

            // Is this an UIImageView?
            if ( [NSStringFromClass([subview class]) isEqualToString:@"UIImageView"]) {

                // Yes, here are the UIImageView details (subView)
                NSLog(@"%@", subview);

                // Convert CGPoint of UIImageView to CGPoint of UIScrollView for comparison...
                // First, Convert CGPoint from UIScrollView to UIImageView's coordinate system for reference
                CGPoint found =  [subview convertPoint:tapLocation fromView:self];
                NSLog(@"Converted Point from ScrollView: %3.2f, %3.2f", found.x, found.y);

                // Second, Convert CGPoint from UIScrollView to Window's coordinate system for reference
                found =  [subview convertPoint:subview.frame.origin toView:nil];
                NSLog(@"Converted Point in Window: %3.2f, %3.2f", found.x, found.y);

                // Finally, use the object's CGPoint in UIScrollView's coordinates for comparison
                found =  [subview convertPoint:subview.frame.origin toView:self]; // self is UIScrollView (see above)
                NSLog(@"Converted Point: %3.2f, %3.2f", found.x, found.y);

                // Determine tap CGPoint in UIImageView's coordinate system
                CGPoint localPoint = [touch locationInView:subview];
                NSLog(@"LocateInView: %3.2f, %3.2f",localPoint.x, localPoint.y );

               //Kalle's code
                    CGRect newRect = CGRectMake(found.x, found.y, 32, 39);
                    NSLog(@"Kalle's Distance: %3.2f",[self distanceBetweenRect:newRect andPoint:tapLocation]);



Hier ist das Problem. Jede Fliese ist 256x256. Der erste UIImageView des CGPoint umgewandelt die UIScrollView Koordinatensystem (53,25, 399,36) sollte tot sein auf dem tapPoint (30.331). Warum der Unterschied ?? Der andere Punkt rechts von der angezapften Punkt Berechnung näher (Entfernung weise) ??

<CALayer: 0x706a690>>
[207] TapPoint: 30.00, 331.00
[207] <UIImageView: 0x7073db0; frame = (26.624 71.68; 32 39); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; tag = 55; layer = <CALayer: 0x70747d0>>
[207] Converted Point from ScrollView: 3.38, 3.32
[207] Converted Point in Window: 53.25, 463.36
[207] Converted Point: 53.25, 399.36 *** Looks way off!
[207] LocateInView: 3.38, 3.32
[207] Kalle's Distance: 72.20 **** THIS IS THE TAPPED POINT
[207] <UIImageView: 0x7074fb0; frame = (41.984 43.008; 32 39); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; tag = 55; layer = <CALayer: 0x7074fe0>>
[207] Converted Point from ScrollView: -11.98, 31.99
[207] Converted Point in Window: 83.97, 406.02
[207] Converted Point: 83.97, 342.02
[207] LocateInView: -11.98, 31.99
207] Kalle's Distance: 55.08 ***** BUT THIS ONE's CLOSER??????
War es hilfreich?


Das folgende Verfahren sollte es tun. Wenn Sie etwas seltsam vor Ort in ihm frei fühlen es, darauf hinzuweisen.

- (CGFloat)distanceBetweenRect:(CGRect)rect andPoint:(CGPoint)point
    // first of all, we check if point is inside rect. If it is, distance is zero
    if (CGRectContainsPoint(rect, point)) return 0.f;

    // next we see which point in rect is closest to point
    CGPoint closest = rect.origin;
    if (rect.origin.x + rect.size.width < point.x)
        closest.x += rect.size.width; // point is far right of us
    else if (point.x > rect.origin.x) 
        closest.x = point.x; // point above or below us
    if (rect.origin.y + rect.size.height < point.y) 
        closest.y += rect.size.height; // point is far below us
    else if (point.y > rect.origin.y)
        closest.y = point.y; // point is straight left or right

    // we've got a closest point; now pythagorean theorem
    // distance^2 = [closest.x,y - closest.x,point.y]^2 + [closest.x,point.y - point.x,y]^2
    // i.e. [closest.y-point.y]^2 + [closest.x-point.x]^2
    CGFloat a = powf(closest.y-point.y, 2.f);
    CGFloat b = powf(closest.x-point.x, 2.f);
    return sqrtf(a + b);

Beispiel Ausgabe:

CGPoint p = CGPointMake(12,12);

CGRect a = CGRectMake(5,5,10,10);
CGRect b = CGRectMake(13,11,10,10);
CGRect c = CGRectMake(50,1,10,10);
NSLog(@"distance p->a: %f", [self distanceBetweenRect:a andPoint:p]);
// 2010-08-24 13:36:39.506 app[4388:207] distance p->a: 0.000000
NSLog(@"distance p->b: %f", [self distanceBetweenRect:b andPoint:p]);
// 2010-08-24 13:38:03.149 app[4388:207] distance p->b: 1.000000
NSLog(@"distance p->c: %f", [self distanceBetweenRect:c andPoint:p]);
// 2010-08-24 13:39:52.148 app[4388:207] distance p->c: 38.013157

Es könnte mehr Versionen gibt, optimiert werden, so könnte wert graben mehr.

Die folgende Methode bestimmt den Abstand zwischen zwei CGPoints.

- (CGFloat)distanceBetweenPoint:(CGPoint)a andPoint:(CGPoint)b
    CGFloat a2 = powf(a.x-b.x, 2.f);
    CGFloat b2 = powf(a.y-b.y, 2.f);
    return sqrtf(a2 + b2)

Update: entfernt fabsf (); -x ^ 2 ist die gleiche wie x ^ 2, so dass es nicht notwendig ist.

Update. 2: hinzugefügt distanceBetweenPoint:andPoint: Verfahren auch für Vollständigkeit

Andere Tipps

Wenn Sie Swift verwenden, hier ist, wie man den Abstand zwischen einem CGPoint berechnen kann, und ein CGRect (beispielsweise ein UIView-Rahmen)

private func distanceToRect(rect: CGRect, fromPoint point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
    // if it's on the left then (rect.minX - point.x) > 0 and (point.x - rect.maxX) < 0
    // if it's on the right then (rect.minX - point.x) < 0 and (point.x - rect.maxX) > 0
    // if it's inside the rect then both of them < 0. 
    let dx = max(rect.minX - point.x, point.x - rect.maxX, 0)
    // same as dx
    let dy = max(rect.minY - point.y, point.y - rect.maxY, 0)
    // if one of them == 0 then the distance is the other one.
    if dx * dy == 0 {
        return max(dx, dy)
    } else {
        // both are > 0 then the distance is the hypotenuse
        return hypot(dx, dy)

Danke @cristian,

Hier ist Objective-C-Version Ihrer Antwort

- (CGFloat)distanceToRect:(CGRect)rect fromPoint:(CGPoint)point
    CGFloat dx = MAX(0, MAX(CGRectGetMinX(rect) - point.x, point.x - CGRectGetMaxX(rect)));
    CGFloat dy = MAX(0, MAX(CGRectGetMinY(rect) - point.y, point.y - CGRectGetMaxY(rect)));

    if (dx * dy == 0)
        return MAX(dx, dy);
        return hypot(dx, dy);

Shorter @cristian Antwort:

func distance(from rect: CGRect, to point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
  let dx = max(rect.minX - point.x, point.x - rect.maxX, 0)
  let dy = max(rect.minY - point.y, point.y - rect.maxY, 0)
  return dx * dy == 0 ? max(dx, dy) : hypot(dx, dy)

Ich persönlich würde dies umzusetzen als CGPoint Erweiterung:

extension CGPoint {
    func distance(from rect: CGRect) -> CGFloat {
        let dx = max(rect.minX - x, x - rect.maxX, 0)
        let dy = max(rect.minY - y, y - rect.maxY, 0)
        return dx * dy == 0 ? max(dx, dy) : hypot(dx, dy)

Alternativ können Sie es auch als CGRect Erweiterung implementieren:

extension CGRect {
    func distance(from point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
        let dx = max(minX - point.x, point.x - maxX, 0)
        let dy = max(minY - point.y, point.y - maxY, 0)
        return dx * dy == 0 ? max(dx, dy) : hypot(dx, dy)
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