
I have a stupidly simple problem and I cannot solve it. All I want to do is to pull files from my local disk (where the website is being hosted) but the file paths are not being recognized or something. I tried a whole bunch of variations:

<img class="img-polaroid" src="groceries.jpg" />
<img class="img-polaroid" src="C:/path/to/file/groceries.jpg" />
<img class="img-polaroid" src="file:///C/path/to/file/groceries.jpg" />

What are my options for loading local images? How can I separately "host" images so I can reference them with a URL or something? Which is better?

War es hilfreich?


Actually you can't, because think of it, it'll be a security risk. Your friend would send you and HTML file, and there it is, it accesses all the files on your C drive and deletes them.

However, you can serve files (including image files) locally.

All you need is to install a local web server, and host your site in that server, and change the DNS settings, so that user would access a locally installed website using names in the browser, just the way they surf the Internet.

Andere Tipps

You can provide images from your machine if it's reachable from the outside (the Internet). If it is, just provide a link to your computer.

It is not advisable to use your local machine (maybe just for some show-off purposes).

You can:

  1. Place images on the server:

    and specify paths as:

    • relative to URL: src="path/to/file". Notice there is no / at the beginning of the path. This way, if the page is at URL, the URL for the resource becomes

    • absolute to URL: src="/path/to/file". Notice the / at the beginning of the path. This way, if the page is at URL, the URL for the resource becomes

  2. Use a cdn:

    • provide src as src="<cdn URL>/path/to/image"
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