
Yes, I struggled a bit with that title...

Here's what my setup is meant to do: I push a viewController (resultViewController) onto the navigation stack. Immediately (literally in the next line of code) I present another viewController to the rootViewController (filterViewController).

So far, so good, and things work as expected.

The modally presented viewController contains a tableView. Selecting a cell is supposed to present another viewController in the current (filterView) controller.

[self presentViewController:filterDetailsController animated:YES completion:^(void){

This is where things go awry: The above snippets is called at the correct time, but the viewController does not appear until I perform an additional tap or gesture somewhere in the filterView. This suggest that the stacking of modalView inside modalView somehow messes things up. If I change the animated parameter to NO, the viewController is presented immediately.

An obvious work-around would be to set animated to NO and perform a manual animation in the completion block. I would however love to see if anyone have come across anything similar and knows how to fix the problem.

No correct solution

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