
I am trying to scroll the body of a page i'm building up and down as the device tilts up and down.

This plugin scrolls left and right as a device tilts.

How can I make it scroll up and down with the up and down tilt?

(function($) {
$.fn.tilt = function(params) {
    items = this;

    params = $.extend( {sensitivity: 1}, params);

    ax = ay = 0;

    window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function (e) {
        ax = e.accelerationIncludingGravity.x * params.sensitivity;
        ay = -e.accelerationIncludingGravity.y * params.sensitivity;

        if(ax > 0) {
            ax -= params.sensitivity;
            if(ax < 0) ax = 0;
        } else if(ax < 0) {
            ax += params.sensitivity;
            if(ax > 0) ax = 0;

    }, false);

    mainLoop = setInterval("moveMe()");

    moveMe = function() {
        $(items).each(function() {
            scrollPos = $(this).scrollLeft() + ax;
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Do the same thing but with the y parameter?

(function($) {
$.fn.tilt = function(params) {
    items = this;

    params = $.extend( {sensitivity: 1}, params);

    ax = ay = 0;

    window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function (e) {
        ax = e.accelerationIncludingGravity.x * params.sensitivity;
        ay = -e.accelerationIncludingGravity.y * params.sensitivity;

        if(ay > 0) {
            ay -= params.sensitivity;
            if(ay < 0) ay = 0;
        } else if(ay < 0) {
            ay += params.sensitivity;
            if(ay > 0) ay = 0;

    }, false);

    mainLoop = setInterval("moveMe()");

    moveMe = function() {
        $(items).each(function() {
            scrollPos = $(this).scrollTop() + ay;


If you are using jQuery, why not use $.scrollTop() to modify the element's vertical scroll value?

var tilt_interval_id = setInterval(function(items) { onDeviceTilt(items); }, 50);    

function onDeviceTilt(items) {
   $(items).each(function() {
      var newScrollX = $(this).scrollLeft() + ax;
      var newScrollY = $(this).scrollTop() + ay;
      //Update the horizontal and vertical scroll positions

//Later, if you wish to clear the interval ...
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