
Using VS2012 to build the setup file and have VC++ redis 2012 as a requirement and when I go to run the installer, it does not prompt the user to install the package. I double checked that I have it selected in the redistributables section. I also made sure it wasn't already installed on the machine attempting to install it.

Not sure why Installshield isn't prompting for the install.

No correct solution


Open the InstallShield IDE. Under 'Application Data' click on 'Redistributables'. Find the desired redistributable in the window on the right and right-click on it. If that one allows you to do so, select 'Edit Prerequisite' and look through the tabs. Verify that 'Conditions' and 'Behavior' are correct.

For checked what is the problem that no let you install you prerequisite, try this:

  1. When you generate you installer be sure that in the installer folder there is a folder with the installer of the prerequisite.

  2. Execute individually the prerequisite installer (generated by installshield) in the target machine.

In my case I tried to install .Net Framework 4.5 in windows XP, when I executed this installer in the target machine this showed me an error "this frameowrk is not compatible with this system"

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