
Here is an isolated example of the problem:

var assert = require('assert')
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema
  , ObjectId = Schema.ObjectId;


var BlogPostSchema = new Schema({
    title     : String
  , body      : String
  , date      : Date

var BlogPost = mongoose.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema);

var bp = new BlogPost({title: 'blogpost 0'}) {
  console.log("this will print 0")
  assert.equal(1, 1)
  console.log("0 ... no problem")

var bp1 = new BlogPost({title: 'blogpost 1'}) {
  console.log("this will print 1")
  assert.equal(1, 2)
  console.log("this will NOT print")

var bp2 = new BlogPost({title: 'blogpost 2'}) {
  console.log("this will print 2")
  throw "this error is swallowed"
  console.log("this will NOT print")

Any error thrown inside the save callback produces no output in the console. The execution seems to pause at that line.

Why does this happen?

Is there a better way to write callbacks, perhaps using a Promise?

Was it helpful?


You can use connection object error event:

var connection = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://'),
    BlogPost = connection.model('BlogPost', BlogPostSchema);

connection.on("error", function(errorObject){
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