
Does anyone know a way to open up an instance of the platform's (Windows/Linux/Mac) browser within a Swing window that is integrated into a Java application. No other actions would be preformed other than opening a given URL. Currently, we open a new browser window because the Java embedded browsers have been insufficient. However, from a user interaction standpoint this is less than desirable.

I'm curious if a solution for this was part of the 1.6 Java release. So, far my google-foo has not turned up anything of note. Are there any closed-source libraries that do this? Anything?

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We use JDIC as well and it works for us in Windows; however, configuring it to work in *nix/OS X can be a pain, as it simply utilizes a platform-native browser (supports IE and Mozilla), while on Linux/Mac you may have neither - that's the problem.

MozSwing it is free or JxBrowser or JExplorer ($500)

WebRenderer is a commercial product that does this, and does it well. However, the last time I checked it was also pretty expensive (they wanted a $2 per-client fee for a large number of client, and a several $1000 support contract).

use JEditorPane

A text component to edit various kinds of content. By default, the following types of content are known: text/plain, text/html and text/rtf

or Lobo

Lobo is an open source web browser that is written completely in Java.

Licensed under: CC-BY-SA with attribution
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