
I have a ComboBox bound to an ObservableCollection of decimals. What is the correct way to apply our currency converter to the items?


a) I have an existing currency converter that I must use b) .NET 3.0

Do I need to template the items?

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Your best bet if you have some code to do the conversion is indeed to run each item through an IValueConverter via a template.

    <my:CurrencyConverter x:Key="currencyConverter" />

    <DataTemplate x:Key="thingTemplate" DataType="{x:Type my:Thing}">
            Text="{Binding Amount,Converter={StaticResource currencyConverter}}" />

    ItemSource="... some list of Thing instances ..."
    ItemTemplate="{StaticResource thingTemplate}" />

So you just define your CurrencyConverter class such that it implements IValueConverter and calls your code to turn the given amount into a formatted string.


You can use the ItemStringFormat property on ComboBox to tell it how to format each of its items:

<ComboBox ItemStringFormat="c">

However, be aware that when using "c" as a currency formatter, it will use the currency defined by the local machine. If your values are defined in $ but your client PC is running with pounds or yen as their currency symbol, they won't be seeing what you want them to see.

Use StringFormat in the Binding expression like

<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Value, StringFormat=Amount: {0:C}}"/>

See this blog for more details.

A ValueConverter is another way - StringFormat doesnt work on .NET3.0 it needs WPF3.5 SP1.

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