
I am using "ImageLocation" property of PictuerBox to get a picture from the web.

PB1.ImageLocation = ""

Some times the image which has to load in picture box from web is very large in size and can not be appear instantly in PictureBox. I need to conform that Image has successfully loaded in Picturebox, before performing next operation. I have to Enable some controls just after loading of image from web.

Is there any way to conform this? (Note: My PictureBox has an initial image also.)

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Use the PictureBox.LoadCompleted event.


Okay see what I did for mine was just download the picture. The image normally takes a while to start getting put into the picture box.

Here is my code:

If (My.Computer.FileExists("")) Then
  My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("", <Some Location>)
  PB1.ImageLocation = <Some location>
End If

It may not be the most efficient way - but I can see it as a simple way of making it work.

Dunno if it's working or not, can't access Visual Studio at the moment

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