
Ora-01086 : save point was not established or invalid. KRD_UPD_BORCTAHSILATYAP_SP this SP throws errors . When I test this loop below, I get the error: ora-01086

Normally it works without calling an external sp, I test it with an inline error and I rolledback to the save point. What am I missing ?

FOR rec IN (...records.....
      SAVEPOINT odemeIslemiBaslangic;

         CASE rec.prosedur_ad
            WHEN 'KRD' THEN

               KRD_UPD_BORCTAHSILATYAP_SP(rec.musterino, rec.urundegeri, rec.taksitno, v_MuhasebeReferans, v_IslemReferans, v_Tarih);
               IF v_MuhasebeReferans IS NOT NULL THEN
                  v_SonucKd  := 10;
                  v_Aciklama := 'Başarılı işlem';
                  v_SonucKd  := 9;
                  v_Aciklama := 'Borç bulunamadı';
               END IF;

         END CASE;
         cll_ins_tahsilatislem_sp(p_odemeno        => rec.odemeno,
                                  p_islemtarihi    => v_Tarih,
                                  p_musterino      => rec.musterino,
                                  p_urundeger      => rec.urundegeri,
                                  p_islemref       => v_IslemReferans,
                                  p_muhasebesubekd => rec.sube_kd,
                                  p_muhaseberef    => v_MuhasebeReferans,
                                  p_aciklama       => v_Aciklama,
                                  p_sonuc          => v_SonucKd,
                                  p_kayityapan     => v_KayitYapan,
                                  p_kayittrxkod    => v_KayitTrxKod);
         UPDATE cll_gecikmisbankaalacak u
            SET u.sonuc_kd = v_SonucKd
          WHERE u.odemeno = rec.odemeno
            AND u.kayit_drm = 'A';
            ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT odemeIslemiBaslangic;
            v_SonucKd  := 1;
            v_Aciklama := 'İşlem Hata: ' || substr(SQLERRM, 1, 400);
            cll_ins_tahsilatislem_sp(p_odemeno        => rec.odemeno,
                                     p_islemtarihi    => v_Tarih,
                                     p_musterino      => rec.musterino,
                                     p_urundeger      => rec.urundegeri,
                                     p_islemref       => v_IslemReferans,
                                     p_muhasebesubekd => rec.sube_kd,
                                     p_muhaseberef    => v_MuhasebeReferans,
                                     p_aciklama       => v_Aciklama,
                                     p_sonuc          => v_SonucKd,
                                     p_kayityapan     => v_KayitYapan,
                                     p_kayittrxkod    => v_KayitTrxKod);
            UPDATE cll_gecikmisbankaalacak u
               SET u.sonuc_kd = v_SonucKd
             WHERE u.odemeno = rec.odemeno
               AND u.kayit_drm = 'A';

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Your comment suggests that the procedure you are calling, KRD_UPD_BORCTAHSILATYAP_SP, is rolling back the whole transaction, i.e. issuing a simple ROLLBACK.

From the documentation for ROLLBACK:

Using ROLLBACK without the TO SAVEPOINT clause performs the following operations:

  • Ends the transaction
  • Undoes all changes in the current transaction
  • Erases all savepoints in the transaction
  • Releases any transaction locks

The savepoint you established in your calling block is therefore being erased, so you can no longer roll back to that.


This generally happens when your inner code has commit a change, then you are trying to rollback to savepoint , which is technically not possible

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