
How to restrict command in the IRC bot written in Python?

For example I have:

data. = irc.recv(2048)

if data.find("^cmd",7) != -1:
    irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + channel + ' :' + 'do_something' + '\r\n')

But if any user write bla bla ^cmdblabla it will works too. I don't want it so how may I restrict it? Tried with len() but there is no chance to do it by this way. Seems that regexp also will not help for this.

No correct solution


You need to write a tuple with the arguments allowed. For example:

commands = ("some_command", "other_command", "this_continues")

Then just:

if not command in commands:
    print("Unrecognized command.")

You have to parse the data before to get the command. Maybe like this:

command = data[:data.find(" ")]
# And here the code above

Hope it helps.

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