
This snippet shows (replacement) content for users without Javascript, similar to the <noscript> tag.

<SCRIPT> document.write('<style type="text/css">#no_js{display:none;}</style>'); </SCRIPT>
<TAG id="no_js"> Content for users without Javascript </TAG>
<SCRIPT> var x=document.getElementById("no_js");x.parentNode.removeChild(x); </SCRIPT>
  • Line 1 hides the Content of line 2 with CSS.
  • Line 3 additionally removes the content - for Browsers without CSS but with Javascript.

I wonder whether line 3 is academic and can be left out.

Are there real world users around with no CSS but Javascript ?

Related posts:

Why not noscript tag

Avoid flickering

No correct solution


There's no reason to assume anyone would intentionally disabled CSS for normal browsing. Historically, there were reasons people would have javascript disabled, such as security or performance, but that shouldn't be a concern with CSS. If there's a device using your site that doesn't have CSS, you certainly shouldn't plan on it using javascript.

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