
I'm using the code to allow user to select a folder under MAC OSX. It works fine if I place a button in the main form and click this button to open NSOpenPanel.

However, if I open a modal window with ShowModal, then, place a button in this modal window, click this button to open NSOpenPanel, after selected the folder in NSOpenPanel, no matter I click the OK or Cancel button, both NSOpenPanel and this modal window will be closed automatically.

I appreciate for any help to fix this problem.

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If the ModalResult of a Button is not equal to mrNone and

If a form with ShowModal is opened,


Button1 on Form2

enter image description here

after the program code is executed in the event Button1Click(...) .

procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

When the OpenDialog1 is closed, Form2 is terminated immediately.
It does not matter whether to end OpenDialog1 with ok or cancel.

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