
I'm using default settings in Lithium, default adapter is php, everything is quite default. On my localhost I can login, add users, but when I copied everything to my host (fixed all db errors) I can't login. The code is fine.

Now I can make users and everything works except login. It seems that it can't find username/password in db that match inputs becouse it shows me an error msg - Login failed. How that's possible?

Like I said, everything is default and works on my localhost, if you need to see other code, just ask. controller:

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If everything is identical, chances are that you have environment-depending configurations in place (like db connections) or more likely Auth class setup!

Remember that if you're not on localhost, lithium assumes (by default) that you are in production mode!


What version are you running? Had the same problem before when I ran 0.10 (the .dmg from SourceForge). However, if you clone the latest version from GitHub, your should be fine.

Also, remember that if you use a "form Auth" – your password will be hashed automatically, remember to store your passwords hashed too.

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