
I'm making an AJAX call using JQuery and Spring MVC.

The client script :

    type : "POST",
    url : "channelIntentionDetails.html",
    data : stringifiedSearchParameter,
    beforeSend : function(
            xhr) {

    success : function(
            response) {

        alert("IntentionDetails : "
                + response.results);
        if (jQuery
                .isEmptyObject(response)) {
            alert("No data found for");

The controller method :

@RequestMapping(value = "channelIntentionDetails.html", method = RequestMethod.POST)
  public @ResponseBody
  com.lnt.sapphire.pojo.Report getChannelIntentionDetails(@RequestBody SearchParameters searchParameters) {

    System.out.println("In ReportController.getChannelIntentionDetails(...), searchParameters " + searchParameters);

    com.lnt.sapphire.pojo.Report report = channelDetailsService.getIntentionDetails(searchParameters);

    System.out.println("Returning from ReportController.getChannelIntentionDetails(...), report " + report);

    return report;

The Report POJO :

public class Report {

    private Map<String, Collection<String>> parameterWiseResult;
    private Collection<String> results;
    private String result;

    public Map<String, Collection<String>> getParameterWiseResult() {
        return this.parameterWiseResult;

    public Collection<String> getResults() {
        return this.results;

    public void setParameterWiseResult(
            final Map<String, Collection<String>> parameterWiseResult) {
        this.parameterWiseResult = parameterWiseResult;

    public void setResults(final Collection<String> result) {
        this.results = result;

    public String getResult() {
        return result;

    public void setResult(String result) {
        this.result = result;

    public String toString() {
        return "Report [parameterWiseResult=" + parameterWiseResult
                + ", results=" + results + ", result=" + result + "]";


The output on the server console(results is an array) :

Returning from ReportController.getChannelIntentionDetails(...), report Report [parameterWiseResult=null, results=[{ "_id" : { "SpId" : 664 , "Intention_category" : "" , "Report_Id" : 2 , "Channel_Id" : 1} , "count" : 10}], result=null]

But the response I get in the script(check the alert for response.results) :

{ "_id" : { "SpId" : 664 , "Intention_category" : "" , "Report_Id" : 2 , "Channel_Id" : 1} , "count" : 10}

Now this is causing a problem on parsing - the array[] is gone !

Any hints?

No correct solution



var reponsedata=JSON.parse(response); alert("IntentionDetails : "+ responsedata.results);

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