
I have a class that represents an icon. How can I use this class to show the icon that I want for the node instead of the default ones ?

No correct solution


You should check the DynaTree documentation on Theming.

You would write a custom.css and add reference to the associated classes

<link href="skin-custom/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >

And then include the reference to this class using one of the option explained in the documentation:

<li data="addClass:'custom1'">Node with custom class 1 
<li data="icon: 'customDoc1.gif'">Node with standard CSS, but custom icon

You can set up your own custom icons and the path is set as an attribute for the tree: imagePath: "skin-custom/"

Copied most of the lines from the documentation, if anything more specific that you need help with, please elaborate. Hope this gets you going. Thx

Apply this in css In Place of folder-open.gif you place your icon for all expanded folder

 .dynatree-ico-ef span.dynatree-icon  /* Expanded Folder */
        background-image: url("folder-open.gif");
        background-position:0 0;

In Place of folder.gif you place your icon for all collapseable folder

 .dynatree-ico-cf span.dynatree-icon  /* Collapsed Folder */
    background-image: url("folder.png");
    background-position:0 0;

For Fileicon

 span.custom span.dynatree-icon
   background-position:0 0;

Add class in li for file icon. like this

<li id="id2.2.1" data="addClass:'custom'">item2.1.1

Initially set the icon of tree folder and node using appropriate css

var tree = $('#myId').fancytree({
    classNames: {
        folder: 'dynatree-folder'
        nodeIcon: 'icon-16-folder'
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