
I have tried both the Git shell installed by GitHub and that provided by Git for Windows on my Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine on XenServer 6.20

With each, git command line calls fail with the message

sh.exe has stopped working (APPCRASH)

This is a recent problem. Can anyone advise me of a solution?

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The issue appears to be caused by the XenServer 6.20 Guest tools I installed after first installing git.

There is an update for Windows Server 2012 R2. Alternatively, you can uninstall the guest tools, which is what I did.

FYI, I also posed this solution at


This error went away after building GIT for Windows from Sources (version 3.2)

The instaler on the official page is too old.

See this post for detailed instructions on how to build from sources:

And this other post on how to workaround the issue:

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