
I know that there is some resource online about SimRank but I can't find any code for implement SimRank for Jung Graph. Basically,in an undirected graph, SimRank Similarity between 2 nodes is defined as follow simrank formula

Then I have a jung Graph

import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.UndirectedSparseGraph;

public SimpleGraphView() {
    // Graph<V, E> where V is the type of the vertices and E is the type of the edges
    g = new UndirectedSparseGraph<Integer, String>();
    // Add some vertices. From above we defined these to be type Integer.

    g.addEdge("Edge-A", 1, 2); 
    g.addEdge("Edge-B", 2, 3);  

How I gonna implement this algorithm ? I know it is a recursive but I can limit the iteration if it is convient

Was it helpful?


An attempt of an implementation according to

This has not been tested or verified extensively, but might in any case at least serve as a starting point.

package stackoverflow;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.UndirectedSparseGraph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;

public class JUNGSimRank
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Graph<Integer, String> g =
            new UndirectedSparseGraph<Integer, String>();


        g.addEdge("Edge-A", 1, 2);
        g.addEdge("Edge-B", 2, 3);

        Map<Pair<Integer>, Float> simRank = computeSimRank(g);
        print(g, simRank);

     * Compute the SimRank for the vertices of the given graph.
     * @param <V> The vertex type
     * @param g The graph
     * @return The SimRank, as a map from pairs of vertices to
     * their similarity
    private static <V> Map<Pair<V>, Float> computeSimRank(Graph<V,?> g)
        final int kMax = 5;
        final float C = 0.8f;

        Map<Pair<V>, Float> currentR = computeInitialSimRank(g);
        Map<Pair<V>, Float> nextR = new LinkedHashMap<Pair<V>, Float>();
        for (int k=0; k<kMax; k++)
            for (V a : g.getVertices())
                for (V b : g.getVertices())
                    float sum = computeSum(g, a, b, currentR);
                    Pair<V> ab = new Pair<V>(a,b);
                    int sia = g.inDegree(a);
                    int sib = g.inDegree(b);
                    if (sia == 0 || sib == 0)
                        nextR.put(ab, 0.0f);
                        nextR.put(ab, C / (sia * sib) * sum);

            //System.out.println("After iteration "+k);
            //print(g, nextR);

            Map<Pair<V>, Float> temp = nextR;
            nextR = currentR;
            currentR = temp;
        return currentR;

     * Compute the sum of all SimRank values of all incoming
     * neighbors of the given vertices
     * @param <V> The vertex type
     * @param g The graph
     * @param a The first vertex
     * @param b The second vertex
     * @param simRank The current SimRank
     * @return The sum of the SimRank values of the
     * incoming neighbors of the given vertices
    private static <V> float computeSum(
        Graph<V,?> g, V a, V b, Map<Pair<V>, Float> simRank)
        Collection<V> ia = g.getPredecessors(a);
        Collection<V> ib = g.getPredecessors(b);
        float sum = 0;
        for (V iia : ia)
            for (V ijb : ib)
                Pair<V> key = new Pair<V>(iia, ijb);
                Float r = simRank.get(key);
                sum += r;
        return sum;

     * Compute the initial SimRank for the vertices of the given graph.
     * This initial SimRank for two vertices (a,b) is 0.0f when
     * a != b, and 1.0f when a == b
     * @param <V> The vertex type
     * @param g The graph
     * @return The SimRank, as a map from pairs of vertices to
     * their similarity
    private static <V> Map<Pair<V>, Float> computeInitialSimRank(Graph<V,?> g)
        Map<Pair<V>, Float> R0 = new LinkedHashMap<Pair<V>, Float>();
        for (V a : g.getVertices())
            for (V b : g.getVertices())
                Pair<V> ab = new Pair<V>(a,b);
                if (a.equals(b))
                    R0.put(ab, 1.0f);
                    R0.put(ab, 0.0f);
        return R0;

     * Print a table with the SimRank values
     * @param <V> The vertex type
     * @param g The graph
     * @param simRank The SimRank
    private static <V> void print(Graph<V,?> g, Map<Pair<V>, Float> simRank)
        final int columnWidth = 8;
        final String format = "%4.3f";

        List<V> vertices = new ArrayList<V>(g.getVertices());
        System.out.printf("%"+columnWidth+"s", "");
        for (int j=0; j<vertices.size(); j++)
            String s = String.valueOf(vertices.get(j));
            System.out.printf("%"+columnWidth+"s", s);

        for (int i=0; i<vertices.size(); i++)
            String s = String.valueOf(vertices.get(i));
            System.out.printf("%"+columnWidth+"s", s);
            for (int j=0; j<vertices.size(); j++)
                V a = vertices.get(i);
                V b = vertices.get(j);
                Pair<V> ab = new Pair<V>(a,b);
                Float value = simRank.get(ab);
                String vs = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, value);
                System.out.printf("%"+columnWidth+"s", vs);

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