
I've just created a directory called bin under my project's root node, but when I refresh the project (F5) I simply don't see it.

I want to put some *nix shells in there, so I think it is a convenient name, but I cannot get why Eclipse mustn't show a directory with that specific name in its package explorer.

Notice the project structure was created from the command line according to the template suggested by SBT.

No correct solution


If you used the eclipse command in sbt to generate the Eclipse configuration file, the bin folder is set as the default output folder for the project. And Eclipse hides the output folders.

I see 2 possible solutions:

  • Use the 'Project Explorer' instead, and follow these instructions to show the bin folder.
  • Change the default output folder for the project. In the project properties -> Java Build Path -> Source. Set the Default output folder to <project_dir>/target/scala-2.10/classes. It should be a safe default, and it will 'free' the bin folder.
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