
To use Aero Glass in my C# application I use

if {DWM.DwmIsCompositionEnabled())
    Color c = Color.FromArgb(255, 221, 220, 220);
    Transparency Key = c;
    panel1.BackColor = c;
    panel2.BackColor = c;
    MARGINS mr = new MARGINS();
    mr.T = 1800;
    IntPtr h = Handle;
    int result = DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(h, ref mr);

In the designer:

public static extern int DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(
    IntPtr h
    ref MARGINS p
public strict MARGINS
    public int T;

It works beautifully fine on Windows 7, but on Vista the panels are black instead of transparent. Is Aero Glass on Vista different from the one on 7?

Edit: To the person who -1 this post, because you hate Vista or what? You know as a developer you should make sure that your software runs on as many operating systems as possible to ensure that more people use it.

No correct solution


The MARGINS structure should be:

public strict MARGINS
    public int cxLeftWidth;
    public int cxRightWidth;
    public int cyTopHeight;
    public int cyBottomHeight;

DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea should be supported in Vista. I assume that Win7 is just being more tolerant of the truncated structure. Be very careful with unmanaged data types.

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