
I am trying to validate input control in Asp.Net MVC. The below code checks if Project name is null and throws validation. I will have some default text in textbox on page load. I have a scenario to check if project name is not null and project name is not "Test Project". Can I do in similar scenario?

[Required(ErrorMessage = "Select Project Name.")]
[DisplayName("Project Type: ")]
public string SelectedProjectName { get; set; }
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you can write your own Custom validator here is an example.

    public class ProjectNameValidation : ValidationAttribute

    public ProjectNameValidation()


    //private const string errorMsg = "{0} must at least {1} or not more than {2}";

    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        if (value != null && value !="Test Project")
            return true;

        return false;
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