
Is creating different cursor for creating sort orders and distribute it in an model clases for alternating sorting style in an listview in android good practice?

titleCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(sourceUri, projection,
                null, null, orderByTitle);

timeCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(sourceUri, projection,
                null, null, orderByTime);

dateCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(sourceUri, projection,
                null, null, orderByDate);

and values of its cursor will be destributed to each models to get the cursor for sorting for alternating sorting in listview? is it a good practice?

No correct solution


You don't have to create a new cursor. You can just change the sort value for the query, if all other things remain constant. That's why it's a parameter, so you alter it's value upon execution of the query.

Instead of creating a different cursor for each sort, you could maintain a string value or some integer value and based on the value inside an if condition simply change the sort parameter like:

if(value.equals("time")) {
    cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(sourceUri, projection,
            null, null, orderByTime);

}else if(value.equals("title")) {
    cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(sourceUri, projection,
            null, null, orderByTitle);

and so on.

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