
I am working on a project where i am required to save data in the " comma separated data" form. I need to avoid data replication here. How do I do that?


id |  name |  fav     
1  |  abc  |  11,2,3,4,5,11,2
2  |  
3  |

how do i display only 11,2,3,4,5 (from fav)

I used the query:

SELECT DISTINCT fav FROM user_details WHERE id = '1' ORDER BY fav ASC***

No correct solution


You can fix this problem by storing the data in a manner appropriate for a relational database and then extracting the data in a format appropriate for presentation.

You seem to have a need for a "UserFav" table, with one row per use and one per "fav". If you had such a structure, your query would be:

select id, name, group_concat(distinct uf.favid order by as favs
from table t join
     UserFav uf
     on = uf.userid
group by;

Attempting to do such string operations in the database is, shall I say, silly. Databases are designed to do some very sophisticated data manipulations. Use them. Don't try to fit a round peg into a square hole.

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