
This is an interesting problem for me, I have a ListPicker in my view, but have used a StackPanel within the DataTemplate of the ListPicker so I can avoid the problem of the ListPicker SelectionChanged event being called when the page is NavigatedTo. With this implementation, I am having trouble getting the item that was selected in the ListPicker in the View. I need to get the lower case version of name (either "light" or "dark") of the item that was selected in the ListPicker.


<DataTemplate x:Name="PickerItemTemplate"> 
       <StackPanel tap="stk_Tap"> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/> 

<toolkit:ListPicker x:Name="ThemeListPicker" Header="Theme"
            ItemTemplate="{StaticResource PickerItemTemplate}"/>


protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

    themeList = new List<TestApp.Common.Theme>();
    themeList.Add(new TestApp.Common.Theme() { Name = "Darker", name = "dark" });
    themeList.Add(new TestApp.Common.Theme() { Name = "Lighter", name = "light" });
    ThemeListPicker.ItemsSource = themeList;

private void stk_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
    if (ThemeListPicker.SelectedIndex != -1)
        //Need to get the current ThemeListPicker's 'name'
        var selectedItem1 = (sender as StackPanel).DataContext as ListPicker;

        //use selectedItem1

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DataContext of that StackPanel is TestApp.Common.Theme.

So, using this should work

var selectedItem1 = (sender as StackPanel).DataContext as TestApp.Common.Theme;
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