
Am trying to match a particular string in Cinch bot framework .

So my current code works fine but only fails if the string comes with some extra words .e.g

say am trying to match only "hello-1234" then it responds properly but if am putting like "common hello-1234 " or "hello-1234 closing" then the code fails.

Could anybody can guide my how i can get rid of this .

Code :

require 'cinch'
require 'uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'net/https'

class Jira
  include Cinch::Plugin

  listen_to :message

  def listen(m)

    rx = config.jira.regex
    if md = m.message.match(rx)
    url = "#{config.jira.url}#{m.message.upcase}"
      response = httpget url
      details = Nokogiri::HTML response

config.jira.regex = /\b(ora)-(\d{0,7})\b/i

with this regex its matching ora-1234567. say i have "start ora-1234" or ora-1234 end" in above case how it should ignore the start and end and match only "ora-1234"

Was it helpful?


To extract the target from within the message, use this regex:


I looks like you're using ruby, so here's the code to get the target from a longer string:

code = m.message.match(/ora-\d{0,7}/i)[0]


To obtain the portion of a message as a variable just do something like this:

listen: /(ora-\d{0,7})/i

def listen(m, jiraid)
  url = "#{config.jira.url}#{jiraid}"
  response = httpget url
  details = Nokogiri::HTML response

Any regex groups [the bits in ()'s] are passed to any relevant plugin methods as extra arguments.

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