
The issue is that running from cmd is not very good for debugging . I need to debug the code , so is there any way i could increase heap and debug in eclipse .

I tried increasing heap in control panel - > java -> view - > 6g

but still get the java out of memory in eclipse

No correct solution


  1. Click the arrow next to the run button, and select Run Configurations...
  2. Select your application from the left list
  3. Go to Arguments
  4. In VM arguments add -Xmx6g -Xms2g
  5. Click Apply.

This will increase the heap size for that launch configuration to 6G.

Try changing in the eclipse.ini file. Here is an example configuration


You can change default jvm args which will apply to all Run/Debug configurations and you don't have to change individual configuration.

In eclipse go to Window -> Preference -> Java -> Installed JREs -> Edit default JRE. There add -XX:MaxPermSize=512m under Default VM arguments

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