
Now I'm looking for more than two days for a solution for the following problem. I have an EmberJS client-side javascript app, that uses my server-side Rail RESTful API. Authorization is done via access token.

Now I want to give the user the ability also to login with OAuth2 from Google, Twitter and so on. Discourse uses OmniAuth for third party login, but OmniAuth needs a server side session. Because I build a RESTful and stateless API, I didn't want to use a session on the server. So I decide to build it on my own with help of Google+ Sign-In for server-side apps, but the example there also uses a session.

Does anyone have a solution for a similar problem or some hints for solving my problem?


Because OmniAuth doesn't fit well in my setup, I started to create a own implementation for third-party OAuth2 login following Googles help. Everything works fine at the moment. But I didn't implement the CSRF protection explained under heading 1. Create an anti-forgery state token on the site from Google mentioned above. My problem is, how could I store this CSRF token without using a session. Would it be enough to store it in Database and look it up in the callback request from Google later?


I followed this railscast. There three possible cases, if a user want to sign-in with an extern oauth provider:

  1. The user already signed-up with extern oauth, then he got a Doorkeeper access token.
  2. The user has an account, but didn't sign-in with extern provider before. After oauth flow we only have to create a new authentication for this user.
  3. The user didn't have an account and now tries to sign-in with extern provider. Here we have to redirect the user to the sign-up page, we also can use informations from the oauth provider to pre-fill in the sign-up form, but until the user pushes the sign-up button, we have to save the authentication.

My question now is, what is a good practice to save such informations (authentication, oauth2 csrf-token) server-side in a REST API, without using a session. I have to save these information on the server, because the user should not have the possibility to manipulate them on the client-side.

Maybe I also should create a new question for pros and cons of token and session authentication with Ember apps and possible solutions for both?

Here is my authentication controller:

class Api::V1::AuthenticationsController < ApplicationController
  def oauth
    # redirect to google/twitter/...

  def callback
    # callback from provider
    provider = params[:provider]
    if @user = login_from(provider)
      doorkeepter_token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.create!(:resource_owner_id =>
      @data = {
        access_token: doorkeepter_token.token,
        user: @user
      render 'oauth/complete'
      # user has no account, create a new one
      @user = = @user_hash[:user_info]['email'] => @user_hash[:uid], :provider => params[:provider])
        doorkeepter_token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.create!(:resource_owner_id =>

        @data = {
          access_token: doorkeepter_token.token,
          user: @user,
          errors: @user.errors
        render 'oauth/complete'
        render 'oauth/error'

No correct solution


There's an example in the Ember.SimpleAuth repo that shows how to use Facebook as an external authentication provider: It basically does it the same way Discourse does it or was doing it 2-3 months ago (not sure whether they changed it) while it doesn't require a server side session.

Supporting Google would work basically the same way.

I updated the Facebook Auth example so that the server part is optional - it now uses the Facebook JS SDK: Maybe that help you to get an understanding how Google Auth could be implemented - I'm sure it's going to work quite similarly.

Have you seen the ember-simple-auth project? It supports OAuth2.

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