How do I programmatically split a multi-page tiff into single pages using Adobe Acrobat and it's exposed COM Objects?



I want to programmatically (using Python) split a multi-page tiff into single pages using Adobe Acrobat's exposed COM Objects.

I am writing this in order to answer my own question in order to put a viable answer out there, as I did not find anyone doing this on SO or any other forum.

Please, let me know what you think about my solution and feel free to leave your way of doing this.

No correct solution


Here is one way:

from win32com.client import Dispatch

def acrobat_split(f_path,f_name,f_ext):

    # Connect to Adobe Acrobat.
    avDoc = Dispatch("AcroExch.AVDoc")

    # Open the input file (as a pdf).
    src = f_path+'\\'+f_name+f_ext

    pdDoc = avDoc.GetPDDoc()
    page_ct = pdDoc.GetNumPages()

    # Set dst.
    dst = f_path+'\\'+f_name+PAGE_DIV+".tif"

    jsObject = pdDoc.getJSObject()

    #Here you can save as many other types by using, for instance: "com.adobe.acrobat.xml"

    del pdDoc
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