
I have a small PHP script pulling information from an atom feed. What is the best way to then push that echo into a file or database? I want to be able to reference that information on an hourly basis.

So for example.

PHP grabs HTML page.
Webserver stores the resulting HTML locally.
Webserver references that locally stored HTML.
Webserver displays a template version of the local information.

Here's the php pulling the html:

<?php include('simple_html_dom.php'); echo file_get_html('')->plaintext[1] ; ?>

No correct solution


you can use file_put_contents() which is pretty simple.

file_put_contents("myFile", file_get_html('')->plaintext[1]);

hope this will help uh...

<title>Online PHP Script Execution</title>
<?php require'simple_html_dom.php'; ?>
    $create=fopen("folder/"."index.html",'w+') or die("can't open file");
    $src=file_get_html($url_path)->plaintext ;

    foreach($html->find('script') as $script)   //get script 

                    $js = explode("/", $scriptPath);
                    $jsName = end($js);
                  for ($i=0;$i<(count($image)-1);$i++) 
                        $path .= $image[$i] . "/";
                                mkdir('folder/'.$path, 0777, true);     //jquery folder created
                    file_put_contents('folder/'.$path.$jsName,file_get_contents($url_path.$scriptPath)); //all jquery downloaded

        foreach($html->find('img') as $img)     //image

                    $image = explode("/", $imgpath);
                      for ($i=0;$i<(count($image)-1);$i++) 
                        $path .= $image[$i] . "/";
                                mkdir('folder/'.$path, 0777, true);     //img folder created

                    $imgName = end($image);
                        file_put_contents('folder/'.$path.$imgName,file_get_contents($url_path.$imgpath));  //img downloaded


        foreach($html->find('link') as $link)  //get link 
                        if(strtolower($link->getAttribute('rel')) == "stylesheet" ) 

                        $links = explode("/", $linkpath);
                        $linkName = end($links);
                  for ($i=0;$i<(count($image)-1);$i++) 
                        $path .= $image[$i] . "/";
                                mkdir('folder/'.$path, 0777, true);     //css folder created

                            file_put_contents('folder/'.$path.$linkName,file_get_contents($url_path.$linkpath));    //download css
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