
I need to frequently hide and unhide navigators and inspectors to make room for Interface Builder and complex storyboards. I learned all show/hide shortcuts in Xcode for panes, but can't find any for showing and hiding Document Outline. Is there a way to achieve this on keyboard?

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There is no defined keyboard shortcut to show/hide the document outline. But you can define new shortcuts for these actions.

Just open the preferences (cmd+,) and search for "Document Outline" in the "Key Bindings" page.


Just to demonstrate the other solution how to setup the shortcut in System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts.

enter image description here

In one of the Xcode updates 6 or 7. ⌘9 is re-allotted for Navigators > Show Reports Navigator

so, System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts > Show/ Hide Document Outline ⌘9 is invalidated by Xcode automatically.

⇧⌘9 is what I chose. in the Keybindings.

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