
If I do:

>where notepad*.*

but when I try:

where Amb*.* /r "i:\Descargas Automatizadas\"
ERROR: El nombre de archivo, el nombre de directorio o la sintaxis de la etiqueta del volumen no son correctos.

sorry, but my Windows is in spanish, so the translation would be something like:

ERROR: Filename, path or syntax in volume label are wrong.

My workaround is:

mklink /d AmberMichaels "i:\Descargas Automatizadas\"
>where Amb*.* /r AmberMichaels

It works, but for scripting matters I think this should be a problem, at least when searching in directories with spaces (that is: if the space character is the problem here, what I don't know for sure). Furthermore, in Windows 7 creating a link (mklink command) requieres elevation (admin).
Am I wrong, maybe there is some sort of update to where command that solves this issue?
If not: what could be the best way to deal with this issue when scripting?

No correct solution


where Amb*.* /r "i:\Descargas Automatizadas"

Remove the tailing backslash

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