
At Test.AEventHandler gives me error : non-invocable ... cannot use as method. I cant see where I am wrong :( .

Can you tell me why is not working? Thanks!

Class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Test first = new Test();
        first.send += Test.AEventHandler(onMessage);

    public void onMessage(Message m)
        Console.Writeln("It works!!!!");


Class Test
    public delegate void AEventHandler(Message m);
    public event AEventHandler send;

    public void msg1(Message m)


Note: Message is a type define by me...

If you can, please fix my code.

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First change your onMessage method to static because Main method is static.You can't access a non-static method from inside static context:

public static void onMessage(Message m)

Then attach your event handler like this:

 first.send += new Test.AEventHandler(onMessage);

Or short version:

 first.send += onMessage;
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