
I want to convert a flash video to HTML5 on the fly. Not having to download it and upload it and then convert it again to HTML5 video?

This is a video link source code from Adobe

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-

flash"src="/swf/software/flash/about/flash_about_793x170.swf" width="793" height="225" 

id="shell_object" name="shell_object" bgcolor="#ffffff" quality="high" scale="noscale" 

salign="tl" wmode="opaque" title="Adobe Flash Player">

Flash Source Link


Actual HTML Link

How would I convert it on the fly and show it in a device that is only capable of playing HTML5 video? In other words an on the fly Flash (*.swf) to HTML5 converter Is there like a API that can do this?

No correct solution


You need to use a converter like ffmpeg. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i flashvid.swf html5.mp4

And the html:

    <source src="html5.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
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