
I have several informations stored in my database, which will not change when the site got refreshed. For example the main homepage settings:

  • Title of the page
  • Homeurl
  • PayPal address
  • E-Mail address
  • etc.

I have a class called "Homepage" and this class always queries the db to get these informations. Now I want to cache these things, so that I only have to query one time this informations. Should I use a flat json file, which stores this informations for me and others? or should I use the PHP function apc_store? Or is there another good resolution for my problem? Is it possible to cache my PHP PDO class?

Thanks for your help

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There are several options. You could use flat file storage but most caching methods are faster than reading from the disk.

Have a look at these to name a few:

You could even use a noSQL database such as MongoDB as a caching layer.

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